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Top 10 Books on my Wishlist

What better time of year that around Christmas to write a post of my top ten books on my wishlist? I found out about this Top Ten Tuesday from the Broke and the Bookish  and here are others who have done the top ten list! This is a great time to get some new ideas for your own books to read list! Now, in no particular order:

1) The Lonely Hearts Hotel by Heather O’Neill

I am secretly hoping this will be a lot like Angela Carter’s Nights at the Circus! I read Nights at the Circus for a magical realism self study unit I did for my Masters.

2) Sleeping Giants by Sylvain Neuvel

Having just watched the Iron Giant, I want to read this and find out if it’s anything like it.

3) The Vegetarian by Han Kang

I read Human Acts and now I want to read this earlier novel by her.

4) Truly Madly Guilty by Liane Moriarty

First of all, that last name. Secondly, I have been getting into suspense and mystery novels more this year and I really want to try this one.

5) Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

I have only heard good things about this and really want to see if it lives up to the hype.

6) Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas

Having just joined the #bookstagram community, they all rave about Sarah J Maas, so I feel like I need to read one of her books and find out what everyone else loves!

7) A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas

Same reasons from above!

8) American Gods by Neil Gaiman

I have never read anything of his, so I really want to just read something and find out, again, what the hype is.

9) The Girl from Everywhere by Heidi Heilig

This book sounds out of this world, like a mix of pirates and Once Upon a Time.

10) Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

Another instagram book hype. Maybe next year I should do an Instagram made me do it tag.


What is on your wishlist for Christmas?


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12 thoughts on “Top 10 Books on my Wishlist

  1. I loved American Gods, I hope you enjoy it. I’ve not managed to read Throne of Glass or Illuminae yet either but I see them everywhere. I really need to make a point of it next year, but I’m a little afraid of all the hype now!

  2. I had a lot of fun reading “Sleeping Giants” this year but it still felt like there was a lot of unused potential, so I hope that the sequel will be even better!

    “Illuminae” was among my top 3 favorite books in 2015 and I’m going to start “Gemina” soon, so I hope it will be just as good!

    1. That’s really good to hear about Sarah J Maas, I want to read it! The instagram hype really makes certain books stand out

  3. Illuminae is definitely on my list. I almost bought it for my Kindle but something told me this is a book you want to have a physical copy of.

    I was so excited to see the vegetarian on your list! This is definitely on my wish list.

    Truly madly guilty. I read aNother book by her. The name is slipping my mind right now but I really enjoyed it so it’s good to see this one.

    Great selection! I hope Santa leaves a few of these underneath your tree this Christmas

    New subscriber via email and Instagram to your blog


    1. Yes, I’ve realized that bookstagram really favors in person books haha It also looks so gorgeous!

      I read Human Acts by her and really loved the writing so I feel like I need to read it. Isn’t it so cool when you read one and find out they have MORE!

      I hope that Santa does too…if my hints were not enough then I have to embrace my inner Santa.

      Thank you for subscribing and following! I really appreciate it <3

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