So bear with me here. Not only am I posting on an abnormal day – because reasons and also if I put this off I might never do it – but also because this should have been posted about June and it’s not July. And I’m posting it from now. So it’s more like a mid year – and a month – freak out. That’s okay thought right?
The Big Tag of Scary Questions
How many books have you read?

I feel like I’ve seen people add this question, which makes a lot of sense because isn’t that what we all wanna know? So I just finished my goal, like last week. I’ve read some books since then, most notably my audio books. A lot of people ask me how I can read so much and while there’s not a lot of simple answers – mental health, unemployment, procrastination, and mental health – there are a few simple things. I listen to audiobooks all the time. In a month I’ll have listened to at least 2 because I do it when I’m washing my face, doing dishes, hand lettering, everything. Another is that I count my graphic novels and I would say that in a month (if I’m home) I can read around 5-10 which is a chunk. I also review them on Netgalley so you might not always see the reviews here. So there are a few small tips – I also like to read before bed to calm my mind – and a print book as well so no bright phone lights.
Best Book You’ve Read So Far
This is the cruelest question. By far. You all knew it was coming though, and so did I which is why I put it off for so long. I’m in better shape this year because I’ve been accumulating a series where I sum up my 5 star reads 4 times a year. I’ve done this twice, once for the first quarter, and recently for the second quarter. So for the entire list, I’m pulling my picks from these lists – if you aren’t happy with my choices….which is totally valid.
But I’m a big cheater face. So I’m doing favorite book in some categories – adult SFF, YA SF, YA fantasy, YA contemporary. Just because that helps me especially when I do my ratings. They’re a little different for each because I expect/need something different from each.
YA Fantasy – This feels so cruel to pick one because I don’t even know where to start….
YA SF – Stolen Time. So underrated, but gosh I love time travel! And not enough people talk about it!
Adult SFF – Natalie Tan’s Book of Luck and Fortune. It had to be. For my favorite adult book it would be Get A Life Chloe Brown which isn’t out for a while, but OH MY GOSH it is so good!
YA Contemporary – Love from A to Z. I’ve read more contemporaries then ever before really, so this was ridiculously unfair. Seriously, please go check out my posts with the other 5 star reads.
Best Sequel

Hands down, Girls of Storm and Shadow. I know it’s not out for a while, but DO THIS! If you haven’t read Girls of Paper and Fire, then do it before November. Get your heart ready. This is the longest Goodreads review I think I’ve ever written.
New Release You Haven’t Read Yet
I have so many this year which is both exciting and terrifying. There were some I was given as arcs and I never got to, but ones I wasn’t approved for but wanted to read anyway! It’s nice to pre-order and experience it like a reader – before I reviewed.
Most Anticipated Release for the Second Half of the Year
I have so many that I just decided to limit myself, but gosh the list goes on forever and ever and ever.
Biggest Disappointment
I don’t have a quick cheat for this one because I don’t have a list of books I really didn’t like – YET. I did make a DNF post at the beginning of the year, but I’ve lost my nerve. This year I was like, “Lili you will take your reading seriously and DNF more books if you have to”. And so I wrote a whole post about books I DNF’d, but it’s been so long.
Biggest Surprise

I love this category because it makes me so happy. I guess I have to pick How To Make Friends with the Dark. I have a good sense of what I’ll like, and I am also not difficult to please. But I wasn’t expecting to love this as much as I ended up loving it! It is an emotional and very difficult story about grief and family. But it’s amazing and powerful.
Favorite New Author
Amazingly I have read mostly debut authors so this list could be five million books long. Instead I’ll just say that you can find the list in the 3 Months 5 Stars post and I’ll put some of my favorite up here like Nocturna, Tiger at Midnight, Opposite of Always, Immoral Code and Descendant of the Crane! It feels cruel not to list everyone in the other posts….And OF COURSE The Fever King – basically every book I make a shirt for I love – I mean…duh?
Newest Fictional Crush

Gah I’m in love with basically everyone from We Hunt the Flame. And I love that I have the character cards of all my faves to warm my heart. Talk about something for everyone – a heroine you fall in love with, a super charming character, one who is more guarded, and they are all so talented! Major love from me and I can’t wait for most of the series! Plus Hafsah is just amazing and so kind!
Book That Made You Cry

I should start a list of books that made me cry right? Noted. I can’t remember the last book that made me cry. But I know that Like a Love Story made me cry. It is emotional, powerful, gripping. You will not want to put it down. This book deserves WAY MORE love. Like all the love in the world and way more than my heart even has to give.
Book That Made You Happy
I mean….in a way every book makes me happy-ish, but seriously. All the ones on the list make me so happy. Whether it be my beginning 5 star reads, or my middle 5 star reads.
Most Beautiful Book You’ve Bought or Received
This is obviously difficult because I am totally biased by the experiences I’ve had with the books. I am so in love with so many gorgeous books – seriously gold foil gets me every time. Nocturna is absolutely stunning, We Hunt the Flame is all gold and amazing, The Candle and the Flame is also so stunning, Wilder Girls is a sensory experience, and Dealing in Dreams is gorgeous.
What Books Do You Need to Read?
I can’t answer this. I know, I’m so lame. But just knowing what books I still have to read – that is just….so stressful to think about. All of the books I’m looking forward to I need to read, plus so many more and I hope I’ll get to them, but I am experiencing a lot of burn out, fear, and anxiety over my TBR and schedule, so I just can’t with this question.
Favorite Book Community Member
This is unfair, so I’ll tell you to check out my Blogger Nomination Post where you can find some of my ultimate faves.
Great post! But also… OH MY GOD HOW HAVE YOU READ 200 BOOKS ALREADY?!?!
entirely witchcraft….
Ahh I love your answers for this tag! I haven’t read Spin The Dawn just yet, but really looking forward to it, it sounds so, so good, I’m so happy you enjoyed it so much. I also LOVED The Fever King and can’t wait to read more from the author! <3
Happy reading, Lili <3
YES I need The Electric Heir like right now…or like yesterday
I am of the strong opinion that a mid-year review post shouldn’t be published until at least July 1, so I don’t think this is too late at all 😉 Congrats on crushing your books read goal! I am pretty anti-audiobook (I’m just not a good listener lol), but when I hear comments like yours about how you’re able to read at least two more books per months because of audiobooks, I start to think I should give them a try…
HA thank you! I just managed to sneak by! Thank you! Yeah I just don’t like the silence when I clean and brush my teeth haha. It makes me look forward more to doing chores than 😀
Congrats on reading 200 books! =D Thank you for sharing your secret to reading so much.
I feel that all prompts are very unfair because picking only one book it too difficult. How can I (or anyone) narrow down my (their) answers to one?! A River of Royal Blood sounds to freaking amazing. I can’t wait for it to be released.
Happy readings! 😉
Tânia @MyLovelySecret
Thank you! I know, it seems unfair to pick one of anything lol