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Review: Sirius by Jonathan Crown

Sirius by Jonathan Crown

Sirius was delightfully witty, entertaining, and touching. Sirius captivated my heart with his loyalty, courage, and childlike wisdom. The book revolves around his perspective and the family he belongs to as they flee from their home and find new careers and lives in California. Their story is a series is one of fast paced adventure full of coincidences and unusual circumstances. The book balances a portrayal of the Nazi regime with elements of humor and sarcasm in a charming way.

Varying perspectives of the family highlighted the main themes of transformation as they must adapt in order to survive. Never forgetting their home, their journey is courageous and is a testament to the power of resilience. When their worlds change, including the world of Sirius, their names change to represent their change in roles. From Levi, to Sirius, to Hercules, to Hansi he embarks on an adventure that asks him who he truly is and where his home is. The humor is dark, full of puns and play on words that are both fascinating and macabre. The portrayal of Hitler and the Nazi regime was fascinating: full of nuances and contradictions. Sirius and his family remain loyal throughout their lives and journey to find a home that requires the power of dedication and the flexibility to adapt to new circumstances.

I really enjoyed the mixture of humor and history and would recommend it to anyone who loves plucky heroes and comedies that are mixed with introspection and reality. It is released on October 4th and you can find it here.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review from Netgalley.

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