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Wrap Up, Giveaway Reminder, & Weekly Digest Announcement

Wow, another month passed by. This month was the month of my birthday, political happenings, and the half way point of my internship. I read a total of 14 books, many of which I have not reviewed yet. If you want to stay up to date with my readings, friend me on goodreads here.


I began a weekly digest. Please just email me utopiastateofmindblog (at) gmail (dot) com and I will switch you over!

Favorite Book of the Month

This is so tough! I think I have to go with The Bear and the Nightingale. I loved reading it and was so excited to share it with you all! The story is so fantastic and I loved the main character. Even the “villain” was a complex person. If you love fairy tales and folklore and want to read one from Russia, check this out!

February Book Giveaway

Just a reminder that I am hosting another Book of your choice giveaway. It makes me super sad if you just subscribe for the giveaway and I keep track of that kind of stuff. Please don’t break my heart!

What was your February like?

Subscribe for more great content and the reviews I was talking about!

If you liked this, then be sure to enter the giveaway

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4 thoughts on “Wrap Up, Giveaway Reminder, & Weekly Digest Announcement

    1. Thank you! I think I am psyching myself out too much. I set my goal for 100 books, so now I am like, okay gotta read as much as possible! But I think I might slow down a bit later…

    1. Hi! I really liked it 🙂 If you are talking about the Bear and the Nightingale I already posted it earlier 🙂

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