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My Ideal Book Event

Today I am going to talk to you all about my favorite book event. Let me begin by sharing my book event experience with you!

Past Book Experiences

The only actual book event I have been to is BookCon a few years back. It was am amazing day full of book panels, book booths, and seeing authors. I was able to attend a panel with Deborah Harkness, the author of A Discovery of Witches, and a variety of other panels. The booths were so cool, but frankly I didn’t do enough research into the whole book convention to take advantage of it. Not to mention that I am scared of being trampled in a mob. However, overall it was a really cool experience and I would definitely do something like it again.

My Ideal Event

So my ideal event would be smaller than BookCon. It would be cozier and closer, involving less authors, but more interaction. It would kind of be like an author invite + panel + cookies. That sounds good right? At the beginning of the event there’d be time to eat snacks and drinks, to chat with the authors super cas style, and then after that a Q and A panel, cause I love those. I want my event to give people fun, answers to questions they’ve always longed for, and memories.


Bookstore is a must. I want it to be a cozy used bookstore, or in one of those corners of a bookstore. There’d have to be a little stage, TONS of comfy chairs and tables. Oh and floor space. I need to be able to move around. The inside would have to have two different areas, one for the little reception and another for the panel. It also needs to be decorated with posters and streamers (love the streamers). It would be even better if it was whimsical, fairy lights in lanterns and mason jars, you know, the pinterest stuff.


Snacks are a must and they have to be book themed. Whether this is food and drinks from the book or just in general, have to be. I am pretty adamant on this. Snacks are important. They also need to be both savory and sweet to cover everyone.


There should be things to take home. Whether that be a signed book, bookmarks, swag, freebies, ARCs, something cool to make memories. Speaking of, needs to have an event hashtag too! ALSO a raffle. I love raffles. I never win them, but I love watching them. Which reminds me, there should be a photo booth with funky props, book themed of course.


Are you down to come to my book event? What would you want?

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4 thoughts on “My Ideal Book Event

  1. You can definitely put me down as attending! 😛 The closest thing to this I’ve attended was a reading/Q+A with a few authors during a writer’s festival, but it wasn’t that intimate. Your event sounds like a lovely time. Especially with the setting of a cozy bookstore.

    1. Yes I just want something absolutely fun and cozy. I’ll send you a ticket when it happens 😉

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