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Bookish Naughty or Nice

So even though I saw this post from It Starts at Midnight who saw it from Feed your Fiction Addiction and A Page of Jenniely, I couldn’t get my act together before Christmas. Does that kind of answer the question of whether I’ve been naughty or nice? Well I’ll give you a better way to figure it out now, with fifteen questions to determine whether I got good or bad presents. *Spoilers, I got good presents either way, either because I was good or stole them from those who were*

1. Have you received an ARC and not reviewed it?

Not normally. Are there ones that I haven’t reviewed yet? Yes. Do I intend on reviewing them, YES. So This is categorically, a NO from me.

2. Do you have less than 60% feedback rating on NetGalley?

Nope, I am at 93%. I haven’t been at 60% since I began I don’t think. I just don’t get approved for so many, and when I dip below a certain threshold, I stop requesting arcs OR I make myself read them to request more. One of those always prevails.

3. Have you rated a book on Goodreads and promised a full review was to come on your blog (and never followed through)?

No. Because I often update my Goodreads when I am writing the review on my blog. This does NOT count all the time I had a GR before my blog and obviously haven’t reviewed those. But I didn’t promise those! So NO PROMISES EQUALS NO PUNISHMENTS. I also don’t normally write review to come.

4. Have you folded down the page of a book?

Nope. I am always carrying bookmarks when I carry books. I love them. Mind you, I don’t carry good bookmarks, those go in my fancy locked case. I carry old tattered fraying bookmarks.

5. Have you accidentally spilled something on a book?


I don’t think so? My computer? Oh yeah. But that’s not a book. Not even my kindle!

6. Did you DNF a book this year?

Yes – One. And I think that’s a good thing. Often I try to read it too much and make myself so sad. Oh wait, maybe I did another one too earlier in the year. What is time even?

7. Have you bought a book purely because it was pretty with no intention of reading it?

No. I always am going to read it at some point.

8. Have you read whilst you were meant to be doing something else?

Is this a real question?

9. Have you skim read a book?

Yeah. But It also depends on how you define that. But for those DNF books, OH HECK YES.

10. Will you completely miss your Goodreads goal?

Nope, my GR goal was completed earlier this year, maybe in the fall? AGAIN, what is time?

11. Have you borrowed a book and not returned it?

No, I always return them. I have to, so they don’t threaten to stop lending them to me.

12. Have you broken a book buying ban?

I don’t do book buying bans. I should, but I know not to start things I can’t really control like that.

13. Have you started a review, left it for ages then forgot what the book was about?

No, I am one of those annoying people who has to write the reviews once I have four unwritten reviews. It’s normally right after, but four is the limit. Then I just don’t read until I write them, which always means I write them.

14. Have you written in a book you were reading?

Um, for sure. For school all the time.

15. Have you finished a book and not added it to your Goodreads?

No way, now everyone needs to know I have finished it. It’s not all vanity.

Naughty or Nice? So DEF Nice (4/15)


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6 thoughts on “Bookish Naughty or Nice

  1. This is a cute tag. I wanted to do a Christmas themed post, but time just kept getting away from me. I’m really strict when it comes to reviews. I don’t start a new book until I’ve written a review for the previous one. Wishing you a happy New Year, Lili!

    1. Happy New Year Alicia!

      I am totally with you on that one! I hate starting another book without writing the review…I’m only 2 reviews behind though! I haven’t written my Markswoman or Reign of the Fallen Review yet….

  2. LOL @ #8. I am impressed by your answer for #1. While my NetGalley feedback ratio is also high (90%), there have been a few books where I’ve sent feedback but haven’t reviewed the book. I would like the option to preview a book before deciding to request the whole thing – then maybe I would avoid more of the books that aren’t a good fit for me 😛

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