Book Reviews

Review: Meet Me in the Fourth Dimension by Rita Feinstein

We love to see a novel in verse and this one feels particularly timely. Meet Me in the Fourth Dimension is a story about belief, about how easy it is to fall into a world of misinformation, to change our opinions on the world. Keep reading this book review of Meet Me in the Fourth Dimension for my full thoughts.


It’s easy to believe in the apocalypse when you’re losing your religion.

NASA has assured everyone the passage of rogue planet Malachite will be safe, but Crosby’s been getting other messages―from a fortune teller and Malachite truther message boards. And now she believes that Malachite will kill everyone who doesn’t ascend to the fourth dimension―a higher plane that transcends physicality.

She tries to prepare her friends and family to leave their bodies behind and raise their frequency by changing their diets, wearing the right crystals, and moving into her friend’s bunker before it’s too late. But no one is listening.

The more time she spends trying to talk her roommate and her quirky friends into her apocalypse plans, the more Crosby is forced to face the cracks in everything she believes to be true.


(Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher. This has not impacted my review which is unbiased and honest.)

Meet Me in the Fourth Dimension is about living in this world where truth is all a matter of sources, of (mis)information, of the spread of the sensational. But it’s also about wanting so desperately to feel safe, to feel like we are doing something, to have something to believe in. In verse, Meet Me in the Fourth Dimension is timely. It’s also a story about friendship and the distance between people. How we can fall to our fears of crumbling, of the world dissolving. It feels relatable on so many levels.

Even if you haven’t ever thought the world was ending from a rogue planet, we’ve all had friendship schisms, ended up in a rabbit hole, and been unsure who to trust. Meet Me in the Fourth Dimension is about when someone turns their back on something we thought we shared, that defined us. How someone leaving us can feel like the deepest cut, the worst abandonment. It’s also about all the ways we can explain away what doesn’t ‘make sense’ to us. The voices of uncertainty which permeate.

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Meet Me in the Fourth Dimension is also about friends who help give us a new perspective. Who question us, challenge us, but also support us. To find new ways to open our world up. Find Meet Me in the Fourth Dimension on Goodreads, Storygraph, Amazon,, & Blackwells.


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