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Reading New Years Resolutions

This year is quickly coming to an end. Already it is December 30 and tomorrow if New Years Eve! Where did the time go? I wanted to share my 2017 Reading Resolutions.

Goodreads Goal

I have to get this out of the way: the goodreads goal. Last year my goal was 52 books and I surpassed that by about 5-6. The tendency would be to increase my goal and push myself to read more. But I do not want to go crazy, so my goal is 60 books. I know, not a huge difference, but I want to keep it reasonable. I never want to feel like I have to read.

Read More Diverse Books

Researching diverse books is not as hard as I thought it would be. I have found many lists of different authors or setting to read. Now the hard part is reading them. I want to make a conscious effort to read and purchase diverse authors and books.

Balance my Blogging Life and Real Life Better

This is a really hard one, but I need to do it. I am a workaholic and so I need to set some real limits for myself. I want to be able to go outside, hang out with friends, see my family without feeling anxious all the time. So I am going to try to do yoga at least twice a week. I want to also try to meditate at least every day, even if it is just for a little bit of time. Keeping up with my resolution from last year, I want to maintain my gratitude journal. It has helped me look for the bright parts of my day and made me more positive, I think.

One more thing….

I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who reads these posts. You are all so precious to me because I love feeling a part of a community. It is like a big hug knowing you read my emails and posts. My blog would not be as successful without your support 🙂

What are your reading resolutions? Or resolutions in general! I would love to know.

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9 thoughts on “Reading New Years Resolutions

  1. All of these are great goals! I’m trying to read more diverse books this year as well, I only started to consciously try to read more diversely at the end of last year, but I have already found and loved so many amazing diverse books. I think one of the best things you can do is following people on twitter that advocate for diversity, they give amazing recommendations.

    I hope you can accomplish all of your goals!

  2. I always try to only up my goal on Goodreads by about 5 books every year. Now last year I totally blew that away by reading almost 100 more books than the year before. Partly because at my library job I’ve been able to do some reading at work on my computer. Shhh. Don’t tell anyone. I’m trying to do better about blogging and balancing real life. But I’m behind on reviews, and feel like I might not feel in balance until that is caught up. Hope you get to meet your goals this year!

    1. Woah! That is so cool! I hope you achieve your goals too. Increasing it by 5 is a really great idea. It keeps it fun, ambitious, and manageable

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