I’ve been thinking more and more about how I can re-structure my book blogging life in 2019. To take it more easy, to increase new quality content, and to balance my life more. So here are some resolutions I’m trying out for January to put some balance and relaxation into my life.
- I am not going to be tied as much to release dates. I’m taking this straight from Novel Knight because I think this is brilliant. This one sentence just triggered this switch in my brain. I don’t need to run myself ragged to make sure I am on top of release dates? March is a particularly busy month for books so this was just a weight off my shoulder.
- I am going to move from a reading schedule to a reading goal. For example, I have books set aside for days and weeks, but it’s less about that and I can pick from the month, based on my mood, which I would like to read.
- I am going to try contact more authors I love for promo and interviews. This has been some of my most loved experiences of 2018, to be connected more to authors, and I’d love to be able to help them.
- To be more picky about the books I read.
- To prioritize Diverse and ownvoices books.
- And to be more okay with DNF books. I realize my time is valuable and I don’t want to spend hours forcing myself to read a book that isn’t clicking with me.
- To buy less enamel pins. This is a big one for me.
- And to try to not be swayed by what I think I should be doing, to remain ‘competitive’, to instead focus solely on what brings me joy.
- To be a more outspoken advocate for transracial adoptee stories and stories with adoption in general.
- And my last one….to read more backlist books! I want to read more books from earlier, like in 2018, but to also make sure they get promo after publication date.
Here’s to a year of screaming more about books.
Love all your goals! I think that I am working to make my blogging life easier as well. One thing I have to do is less tours. Before I signed up for a lot to just get things posted every day. Now that I’m doing more, I don’t want to be scheduled constantly, and I don’t really like to post more than once a day for the most part. I started more of the DNF a few years ago. If I’m not enjoying a book, there’s no sense wasting my time. I want to read because I enjoy it. I’m also requesting less books for review, especially through Netgalley and Edelweiss. The only time I do bad with this is when I go to conferences like ALA or BEA, and load up on ARCs that I want. Good luck with your goals this year! Don’t know if you saw my goal post earlier this year, but if not, you can go HERE.
This makes so much sense, the blog tours is also where I get bogged down too! Going to check yours out now!
Good luck with your resolutions! I also want to read more backlist books! I feel like I don’t read all the books I want and then it’s a new pub month, and I forget about those that are even just a few months old!
omg ditto! even books I loved but read two months ago that totally skip my mind
Wonderful goals! I, too, need to work on being more picky about the books I choose.
Agreed! I need to be more cautious about the books I request and are interested in
I’m glad that you have a (new, somewhat relaxed) plan for yourself in 2019. Sometimes we have to take a step back and evaluate our goals.
Thank you! I am trying to relax more, it’s hard to deny that first impulse to just try to take on more and more
All of these are great! And I love the point about recognising that your own time is valuable.
YES! I’m like…even if I don’t have like, better things to do necessarily, I just don’t want to waste my mental energy