Review: Suns Will Rise by Jessica Brody and Joanne Rendell
How do you even begin to review a series ender of a SF space opera? I feel like words don’t…
Book Reviews
How do you even begin to review a series ender of a SF space opera? I feel like words don’t…
Having never read anything by Valente, but wanting to, I wasn’t sure what to expect. But what ended up captivating…
Becky Chambers is, at this point, an auto-buy author for me. This new series of novellas promises to be something…
If you have been looking for a SF thriller, then look no further. The Darkness Outside Us was unstoppable around…
A Spark of White Fire is one of the most underhyped SF series ever. Combining spaceships and wards with the…
You tell me Asian SF and I’m an instant buy! As soon as I heard about Gearbreakers I was instantly…