Book Reviews

Review: The Angel of Indian Lake by Stephen Graham Jones

I’ve gotta say, this Indian Lake Trilogy is a ride. I wasn’t sure what to expect with every installment and I’ve been surprised each time. And The Angel of Indian Lake was an emotional roller coaster. Even more so than the second book! Keep reading this book review of The Angel of Indian Lake for my full thoughts.


It’s been four years since Jade Daniels last set foot in Proofrock, Idaho. Since then, her reputation, and everything around Indian Lake, has changed dramatically. There’s a lot of unfinished business in Proofrock, from serial killer cultists to the rich trying to buy Western authenticity. But there’s one aspect of the savage history of Proofrock, Idaho, no one’s got the mettle to confront – no one except a final girl, making her last stand, this time for everything.


(Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher. This has not impacted my review which is unbiased and honest.)

After Don’t Fear the Reaper my excitement for this series finale has been hyped. I didn’t expect to love the last book so much, but the audio book sealed the deal. Before I enjoyed the series, but after that I was locked in! The Angel of Indian Lake is a solid finale. The second is still my favorite. But that might just also be that this series finale is a whole emotional roller coaster. And I’m not sure I’m fully recovered yet? But it’s such a perfect capstone. It’s about the inherited trauma, the pieces of our lives that have interwoven, and the ways the past never stays buried.

And that’s this entire trilogy in a nutshell. We can try so hard to move on, to bury what’s left, but the past is never truly gone. For the community of Indian Lake, they know better than most that the dead never stay dead. That the unresolved feelings, the hanging wounds, and the anger only festers. The secrets only ferment until they explode. The Angel of Indian Lake is a perfect bittersweet series ender. The ending, and last 1/3 of the book, had me deep in my feels. Isabella Star LaBlanc, Barbara Crampton, Angela Goethals, Andrew J. Robinson were absolutely crucial.

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There’s something precious about hearing the finale ring in your ears. About the resignation, hope, anger, and love after three books. Listening to the audio book of The Angel of Indian Lake was a must. In true fashion, Stephen Graham Jones kept me on my toes until the very last page. It explores the monsters in plain sight. The things we can’t explain and the ways we know we shouldn’t look, but we have to. About the land that should stay isolated, the trees untapped, and the depths unexplored. And yet, beautifully, it’s also about the wounds that need to be cauterized. That need the rot to be removed, the painful scraping, for the true healing.

Find The Angel of Indian Lake on Goodreads, Storygraph, Amazon,, Blackwells, & Libro. fm.


What is your favorite trilogy that ended bittersweetly?

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