I have been in a graphic novel mood lately, so when I picked up Over My Dead Body I knew it would be a good time. And if you’re looking for a witchy mystery, this is for you! Especially if you love witch familiars. Keep reading this book review for my full thoughts.
In the days leading up to Samhain, the veil between the world of the dead and the living is at its thinnest.
One day, everything was exactly as it was supposed to be. And the next, the closest thing Abby ever had to a sister, Noreen, was just… gone.
Distracted by the annual preparations for the Samhain festival, Abby’s classmates are quick to put Noreen’s disappearance aside. The Coven will find her, Abby’s friends say. They have it under control.
But Abby can’t let it go. Soon a search for answers leads her down a rabbit hole that uncovers more secrets than Abby can handle. As mounting evidence steers her toward the off-limits woods that surround the academy, she begins to see that Noreen’s disappearance mysteriously has a lot in common with another girl who went missing all those years ago…

(Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher. This has not impacted my review which is unbiased and honest.)
Over My Dead Body is perfect for those searching for a YA Fantasy graphic novel with a witchy mystery vibe. When one of Abby’s classmates goes missing, she knows that she has to find her. But what starts out as a disappearance, turns into a mystery that will span decades. With hidden secrets and nods to students who are more at risk (i.e. orphans without a family to make a fuss if they *ahem* disappear), Over My Dead Body delivers a layered mystery.
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When it feels like we’re the only ones who care and we know we need to do something, it can feel isolating. I loved that Over My Dead Body also includes themes of friendships and us having to confront our misconceptions of people – both good and bad. Over My Dead Body has spooky scenes and the color palette, and illustration style, is bewitching. A theme which is developed in the latter half is this line between protection and love. When we think we are protecting someone, but we don’t have their interests in heart, or when we don’t acknowledge their own agency. Find Over My Dead Body on Goodreads, Amazon, Indiebound, Bookshop.org & The Book Depository.