Book Reviews

Review: In Deeper Waters by F.T. Lukens

In Deeper Waters is a precious story that begins with pirates and secrets and ends with a story about embracing who we are. It’s heartfelt, tender, and action packed. Talk about a story with politics, intrigue, and betrayal. Keep reading this book review of In Deeper Waters for my full thoughts.


Prince Tal has long awaited his coming-of-age tour. After spending most of his life cloistered behind palace walls as he learns to keep his forbidden magic secret, he can finally see his family’s kingdom for the first time. His first taste of adventure comes just two days into the journey, when their crew discovers a mysterious prisoner on a burning derelict vessel.

Tasked with watching over the prisoner, Tal is surprised to feel an intense connection with the roguish Athlen. So when Athlen leaps overboard and disappears, Tal feels responsible and heartbroken, knowing Athlen could not have survived in the open ocean.

That is, until Tal runs into Athlen days later on dry land, very much alive, and as charming—and secretive—as ever. But before they can pursue anything further, Tal is kidnapped by pirates and held ransom in a plot to reveal his rumored powers and instigate a war. Tal must escape if he hopes to save his family and the kingdom. And Athlen might just be his only hope…


(Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher. This has not impacted my review which is unbiased and honest.)

We love to see magic, pirates, and queer YA fantasy books. In Deeper Waters was a pure delight. Listening to the audiobook narration of Kevin Free transported me to the seas. While the cover definitely promises a bit more boats and seafaring, In Deeper Waters is beyond charming. It begins with fears and secrets. When we are afraid of power that lurks. The power of legacy which haunts us and makes us afraid to be who we are.

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In various ways, In Deeper Waters examines behind haunted and scared about what we can do and who we are. When we have to hide who we are, we can never be free. Or loved for who we are. In Deeper Waters reminds us that we should be allowed to be open. To not have to hide any part of us, anything we can do. I loved the family side characters in this one, talk about some spin off stories I’d read! In Deeper Waters is also perfect for those who love politics, scheming, and betrayal. For those who know how important it is to choose the type of person we are.

Find In Deeper Waters on Goodreads, Storygraph, Amazon,, Blackwells, & Libro. fm.


What is your favorite story with a journey on the sea?

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