Book Reviews

Review: Chaos by Constance Fay

I have really enjoyed the Uncharted Hearts series by Constance Fay. If you’re looking for a series of science fiction stories that blend action packed heists with some spice, you’re in luck. Chaos may be my new favorite! Keep reading this book review of Chaos for my full thoughts.


He’s a mind controlled killing machine, until her touch frees him

Engineer Caro Ogunyemi thinks she has everything in control. Sure, she has a dark secret in her past and aim so bad that she can’t shoot the side of a spaceship when she’s right in front of it, but those are minor details in the life of a space mercenary. When Caro embarks on a solo mission infiltrating a prison planet that is run by the deadly Pierce family, she embraces the opportunity to prove she’s a hero.

It’s there that Caro meets Leviathan, a super soldier with a chip in his head that turns him into a mindless killer. He’s drop dead gorgeous with an emphasis on drop dead, until she touches him and renders his chip inert. The danger begins when she lets him go.

In the heart of enemy territory, where love is at stake, life is treacherous and time is short, Caro and Leviathan must figure out how to recover his agency, protect her crew from Pierce’s sinister machinations, and stage a prison-break before Leviathan is lost to her―and himself―forever.


(Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher. This has not impacted my review which is unbiased and honest.)

I didn’t realize “her touch heals him” was a trope on my bucket list, but consider my mind changed. I love being back with the crew. This Uncharted Hearts series keeps introducing us to new members of the crew and I’m here for it! Chaos forces Caro out of her depths. Not only is she roped into this heist meets rescue mission, a new development means she’s without her technology. As a maybe genius, being robbed of her abilities forces Caro to figure out what her skills are. Chaos has plenty of high action scenes from prison breaks to chase scenes but it’s balanced with plenty of humor (and some spice!).

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Chaos constantly strikes the right balance in tone. There were some moments that made me legitimately tear up. I’ll always find myself attached to any spare robots running around. Sue me! With scenes from other side characters, I breezed through Chaos. My favorite theme in Chaos was the idea of monstrosity. Are we the monsters we are made into or the ones we make? For Caro and Levi, they both have to explore these coins of monstrosity. And, ultimately, they both have to realize that it’s our own choices. What we choose to be at the end of the day, that matters most.

Find Chaos on Goodreads, Storygraph, Amazon,, & Blackwells.


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