Lobizona was one of my favorite books of 2020! So I’ve been looking forward to Cazadora ever since I finished the first. And, like with the first, I was utterly bewitched. The ways that Garber delivers a story with revelations around ever corner. Keep reading this book review for my full thoughts.
Following the events of Lobizona, Manu and her friends cross the mystical border into Kerana―a cursed realm in Argentina―searching for allies and a hiding place. As they chase down leads about the Coven―a mythical resistance manada that might not even exist―the Cazadores chase down leads about Manu, setting up traps to capture and arrest her.
Just as it seems the Cazadores have Manu and her friends cornered, the Coven answers their call for help. As Manu catches her breath among these non-conforming Septimus, she discovers they need a revolution as much as she does.
But is she the right one to lead them? After all, hybrids aren’t just outlawed. They’re feared and reviled. What happens when the Coven learns of Manu’s dual heritage? Will they still protect her? Or will they betray her?
And after running this far, for this long―how much farther can Manu go before her feet get tired, and she stops to take a stand?

(Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher. This has not impacted my review which is unbiased and honest.)
TW: panic attack, self-harm
Cazadora is an action packed sequel to Lobizona. It develops everything I love about the first – the breaking down of rigid gender norms and illegal existence – in an emotional sequel. Can Manu find a place where she fits in? Finally a place where she doesn’t have to hide who she is? Cazadora is a fierce story about rebellion, friendship, and sacrifice. About the cost of change and the necessary sacrifices we make. How we don’t have to use the words that the world chooses for us.
Cazadora examines the layers of privilege around us. The necessity to acknowledge both the good and the bad. The ways the narratives around us are created and who they are created for. The danger an independent and powerful woman can pose. Jam packed with action from the beginning, Cazadora is about people who twist words and feelings to serve them. To prey on fear and superstition, tradition and doubt. We can allow ourselves to be overriden by the images people thrust upon us. What they say about us. But we need to hold tight to who we are.
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If you loved Lobizona, Manu’s character, or the story of rebellion then you have to read Cazadora. Find Cazadora on Goodreads, Amazon, Indiebound, Bookshop.org & The Book Depository.