Review: Lightspeed April 2016 Science Fiction Stories
Cause for a Haunting by Patricia Strand This story will haunt me, not in a terrifying way (because I have…
Book Reviews
Cause for a Haunting by Patricia Strand This story will haunt me, not in a terrifying way (because I have…
Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert I wanted to read Committed for two reasons: I enjoyed Eat, Pray, Love and I envision…
Virtual Girl by Amy Thomson was an enjoyable read on many different levels: literary theory, the way the book was…
“That Which Stands Tends Toward Free Fall” by Benjanun Sriduangkaew At the heart of this story lies a focus on…
The Light of Fireflies by Paul Pen This book had so many twists and turns that I had to finish…
“Monstrous Embrace” by Rachel Swirsky The outside perspective from the narrator situates us as voyeurs to the prince’s love story….