Book Reviews

Book Tour: Book Review: They Bloom at Night by Trang Thanh Tran

After She is a Haunting, I’ve become obsessed with Trang Thanh Tran. I knew I had to read They Bloom at Night even though the cover is so eerie! This is an incredibly atmospheric story about whether the world or our loved one comes first. Keep reading this book review of They Bloom at Night for my full thoughts.


Since the hurricane, the town of Mercy, Louisiana has been overtaken by a strange red algae bloom. Noon and her mother have carved out a life in the wreckage, trawling for the mutated wildlife that lurks in the water and trading it to the corrupt harbormaster. When she’s focused on survival, Noon doesn’t have to cope with what happened to her at the Cove or the monster itching at her skin.

Mercy has never been a safe place, but it’s getting worse. People are disappearing, and the only clues as to why are whispers of underwater shadows and warnings to never answer the knocks at night. When the harbormaster demands she capture the creature that’s been drowning residents, Noon finds a reluctant ally in his daughter Covey. And as the next storm approaches, the two set off to find what’s haunting Mercy. After all, Noon is no stranger to monsters . . .

Book Review

(Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher. This has not impacted my review which is unbiased and honest.)

They Bloom at Night is atmospheric from page one. It has this apocalyptic feeling to mysterious algae blooms taking over. Even more so, the world of They Bloom at Night has a monster looming in the dark. There’s something lurking underneath. They Bloom at Night immediately sunk its teeth into my heart with its exploration of parenthood. At the end of it all not only is Noon’s relationship with her mother at the core, but also the lingering ghost of her dad. All the ways we try to keep our future, our past, alive. Within They Bloom at Night their relationship and the world is challenged.

With a healthy dose of body horror, They Bloom at Night is perfect for those who want a dash of climate fiction with a heavy dose of the supernatural unknown. Is Noon going to be able to figure out the root of these bed time warnings in time? They Bloom at Night also explores trauma, gender questioning, and the scars of assault. While there’s a steady thrum of action, and horror, there’s also these moments of softness. Find They Bloom at Night on Goodreads, Storygraph, Amazon,, Blackwells, & Libro. fm.

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