An anthology of gothic queer short stories? Count me in. I loved the idea of Unspeakable and as I was reading, I loved it even more! It fills such a fantastic niche within the anthology and speculative fiction world. Keep reading to check out my mini review and the rest of the tour!
Unspeakable contains eighteen Gothic tales with uncanny twists and characters that creep under your skin. Its stories feature sapphic ghosts, terrifying creatures of the sea, and haunted houses concealing their own secrets. Whether you’re looking for your non-binary knight in shining armour or a poly family to murder with, Unspeakable showcases the best contemporary Gothic queer short fiction. Even dark tales deserve their time in the sun.
(Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher. This has not impacted my review which is unbiased and honest.)

Unspeakable is a collection of short stories for everyone. I love that it features queer Gothic short stories. As a former, or always, English Lit nerd, the Gothic has always had a special place in my heart. It’s where there’s a little room to play with things we cannot explain, dark settings and even darker explorations.
When I heard about Unspeakable I was immediately excited. There’s such a lack of queer representation in what we might consider the ‘traditional cannon’ that this feels like a huge leap to address this. Unspeakable is such a fabulous anthology. It features stories about queer love, and characters existing in these spaces. Their ability to be heroes. To walk into dark basements at night. To confront the darkness. I think my favorite story has to be one that gives me serious “Bluebeard” vibes.
I cannot stress how much you will love this anthology which can balance both a celebration of queer stories and the fabulous Gothic elements you may recognize.
Find Unspeakable on Goodreads.
Blog Tour
14th- Becca @astoldbybex ( ), excerpt post
15th- Jim @gnhorror ( ), review
16th- Kate @yourtitakate ( ), review & possibly some aesthetics
17th- Emmy @saskeah ( ), story previews & interviews with trans & non binary authors
18th- Lauren @northernplunder ( ), review
19th- Steph @stephlikesbooks ( ), review
20th- Lili @utopiamind ( ), review
21st- Anniek @anniekslibrary ( ), interview with one of the authors, Katalina
22nd- Wendy @whatthelogsaid ( ), review
23rd- Emily @ashortbooklover ( ), review
24th- Lauren @gothicbookworm ( ), interview with one of the authors, Saint
25th- Molly @molsbymoonlight ( ), first line of each story
26th- Jemma @FbooksAWTFT ( ) , interview with the editor Celine
27th- Louise @foxesfairytale ( ), review
28th- Bec @becbentliff ( ), excerpt
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