I was recently going through my notes app and realized that a whole bunch of graphic novels I read got buried. So this is my attempt to amend that by featuring them all together. Organized by release date, I’ve loved the ability to let a graphic novel take over a few nights and become fully absorbed.
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The Glass Scientists Volume One by S.H. Cotugno
London isn’t the safest place for mad scientists these days. After that whole ordeal with Frankenstein, angry mobs have gotten awfully good at hunting down monsters and wiping out anything they don’t understand. In fact, if it weren’t for one extraordinary young man, every out-of-the-box thinker would have been locked up . . . or worse.
That young man is none other than Dr. Henry Jekyll. He believes mad scientists would thrive if they could just fix their public image, which is why he founded the Society for Arcane Sciences, a place where like-minded eccentrics could come together to defy the laws of nature in peace.
But everything changes when a mysterious stranger arrives, bent on taking the Society in a radical new direction. With everyone turning against him, Jekyll’s life starts to spiral out of control, shattering all his carefully laid plans and threatening to expose his darkest secret—one that could destroy everything he has built from the inside out.

(Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher. This has not impacted my review which is unbiased and honest.)
From the beginning I enjoyed this Jekyl and Hyde vibe paired with historical London and eccentric scientists. The vibes were there! The color palette meets the drawing style made it easy to fall into The Glass Scientists. And from the beginning, you’re rooting for a society for their protection, for their science, and to find like minded friends. I wish I knew more about some of the side characters, but a mentor relationship will always intrigue me. But when Frankenstein was introduced I was smitten.
This is a treat for everyone who’s in the mood for a more modern take on some of these Gothic classics. It strikes a balance between being modern and historical, having this setting where science is still very much mystery while also feeling fresh. And then as The Glass Scientists progresses, I became a fan of how Cotugno examines control and identity. About this relationship between Jekyll and Hyde. Between perception and a dynamic of resentment, affection, and guilt.
Find The Glass Scientists on Goodreads, Storygraph, Amazon, Bookshop.org, & Blackwells.
The Infinity Particle by Wendy Xu
Clementine Chang moves from Earth to Mars for a new start and is lucky enough to land her dream job with Dr. Marcella Lin, an Artificial Intelligence pioneer. On her first day of work, Clem meets Dr. Lin’s assistant, a humanoid AI named Kye. Clem is no stranger to robots—she built herself a cute moth-shaped companion named SENA. Still, there’s something about Kye that feels almost too human.
When Clem and Kye begin to collaborate, their chemistry sets off sparks. The only downside? Dr. Lin is enraged by Kye’s growing independence and won’t allow him more freedom. Plus, their relationship throws into question everything Clem thought she knew about AI. After all, if Kye is sentient enough to have feelings, shouldn’t he be able to control his own actions? Where is the line between AI and human?
As her past and Kye’s future weigh down on her, Clem becomes determined to help him break free—even if it means risking everything she came to Mars for.

(Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher. This has not impacted my review which is unbiased and honest.)
This science fiction graphic novel brings the pastels and art style which feels whimsical. Full of little touches, The Infinity Particle reminds me of why I love Xu’s graphic novel style. It has echoes of what made me love Mooncakes combined with new touches. I was instantly intrigued in the science fiction world building in each panel, but what really caught my interest is how The Infinity Particle explores choices. It immediately examines the role of technology in our lives.
How we can see things, and people, in relation to ourselves. If you are fascinated by this relationship between mother and child, maker and made, then you’ll have to read The Infinity Particle. It explores ideas of consent, consciousness, and toxicity. About idols and role models who make us second guess what we could do with our intellect and power. Find The Infinity Particle on Goodreads, Storygraph, Amazon, Bookshop.org, & Blackwells.
Contact! by Ben Crane and illustrated by Mimi Alves
Humanity has gone to the stars, and the ESS Khonsu and its crew are leading the charge to explore the galaxy. As the son of the ship’s captain, Jimmil might not always live up to his mom’s expectations… but right now he and his friends might be the galaxy’s only hope.
After they’re stranded on a strange alien planet, they’ll have to do what their parents couldn’t: explore the surface, discover the secrets of the terrifying race that lives there, and try to prevent a full-scale war!
Working together, these Cadets will discover that sometimes being a hero means learning to see new perspectives, and sometimes bravery means admitting when you’re wrong.

(Disclaimer: I received this book from the author. This has not impacted my review which is unbiased and honest.)
You don’t need to twist my arm to have me read a middle grade graphic novel set in space. And Contact! is all about empathy, conversation, and first contact. If you like the idea of aliens, of the us and them groups that are formed, and the fact that adults are often too quick to jump then you’ll have to read Contact! With a group crew and no distinct main character, friendship is a central theme that naturally develops. It’s a graphic novel which stresses the time to listen, to have openness, and to not let our fear control us.
Contact! is an example of why I’ve been so drawn to middle grade recently. To this hopefulness, this knowledge that we can make a difference, in both the big and small ways. Find Contact! on Goodreads, Storygraph, Amazon, Bookshop.org, & Blackwells.