Book Reviews

Review: The Last Boyfriends Rules for Revenge by Matthew Hubbard

You know those books that just scoop out your insides? That not only incite rage, but also tenderness? That’s The Last Boyfriends Rules for Revenge. Talk about a debut about friendship, love, and activism all rolled into one. Keep reading this book review of The Last Boyfriends Rules for Revenge for my full thoughts.


Ezra Hayes has always felt like a background character compared to BFFs Lucas and Finley. He would do anything to be seen as a romantic lead, even if it means keeping a secret summer boyfriend, Presley. But when he discovers that Presley is a lying cheater, and his best friends are having boy problems of their own, they want revenge.

Their plans to get even involve sabotaging the largest party of the year, entering a drag competition, and even having Ezra run against his ex for Winter Formal King. Then the school district starts to actively censor queer voices with their Watch What You Say initiative. Taking to TikTok to vent frustrations, Ezra begins “The Last Boyfriends Student Rebellion.”

Between ex-boyfriend drama and navigating viral TikTok fame, Ezra realizes this rebellion is about something more important than revenge. It’s a battle cry to fight back against outdated opinions and redefine what it means to be queer in small town Alabama.


The Last Boyfriends Rules for Revenge is heart warming. What begins as a story about revenge, morphs into one about how revenge can leave us hollow. And then turns into a story about fighting the homophobia, about speaking out against policies, and making safe spaces. It examines how revenge looks different for those who have to worry about their own security, their safety. About the ways we can be emotionally manipulated and feel so hurt.

And yet this debut talks about how revenge can sometimes not be what we’re looking for. That things are always more complicated than we think. The Last Boyfriends Rules for Revenge examines the ripples and consequences of our actions. It’s a debut that is multi-faceted and builds in momentum. I loved the revenge story line, but also how it explores revenge for justice or just for the sake of payback. At the same time, it also exposes the explicit and implicit homophobia.

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About knowing we should stand up, but also acknowledging the danger and finding our community of support. While the ending was a bit abrupt – I needed like one more chapter – The Last Boyfriends Rules for Revenge is a tender story about friendship and love. About revenge and justice. Find The Last Boyfriends Rules for Revenge on Goodreads, Storygraph, Amazon,, Blackwells, & Libro. fm.


What is your favorite story about revenge?

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