I am so in awe of how far Henning has come in The Princess Will Save You trilogy. If you’re a fan of The Princess Bride or just action adventure stories with ambitious heroines and cinammon roll LIs, you have to read this series. And it’s soon to be all released! Keep reading this book review for my full thoughts.
Princess Amarande is finally on the verge of having everything she wants. To be with her true love Luca, no one nor law standing in the way. To rule Ardenia as queen outright, no marriage necessary, as Luca does the same with the reformed Torrence. To rebuild the continent of The Sand and Sky into a place not defined by archaic, patriarchal laws, but by the will of its people.
However, threats await in the shadows of Amarande’s hoped-for happily ever after. One expected and deadly to both her love and every one of her objectives. The other, unexpected, and arising with a vicious aim: revenge at any cost. Against the princess who killed him, the boy whose love made her do it, and the continent cruel enough to deserve his rage.

(Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher. This has not impacted my review which is unbiased and honest.)
It’s so hard to review a series ender because there’s all the hopes and dreams for the whole series pinned to it. The ways the characters have evolved and developed before our eyes. Seeing them grow, make mistakes, take losses, and more. I was so excited for The King Will Kill You because I love Henning’s books and this series! And Henning does not hold back. This series ender is full of politics, warfare, and quests for power. I am so impressed with what Henning has done in terms of scope and masterful plotting.
With multiple POV, The King Will Kill You feels truly expansive and immersive. We’re taken all over the kingdoms and seeing all the characters on crash course trajectories. How it’s full of scheming and betrayal and motivation. Things can seem so cut and dry, loyalty secured, until the wrong thing is threatened and then it’s game over. Watching these different branches of people and subplots diverge and converge is spectacular.
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With some epic fight scenes, my entire thought process while reading was, “do my precious babies make it out okay?” I’ll let you read to find out. The King Will Kill You is a must read series ender that explores the power of love and trust, but also about the power of our choices. We can feel like we’re trapped in a cycle of violence and anger, betrayal and sabotage, but we can choose to try to break it. People can change and the fight against sexism is not entirely lost until we stop fighting. Find The King Will Kill You on Goodreads, Amazon, Indiebound, Bookshop.org & The Book Depository.