You ever encounter your comfort read genre? For me, that’s middle grade graphic novels. Yes romance books always put a smile on my face, but middle grade graphic novels? That’s my cozy up in a beach chair kind of read. So when CW from The Quiet Pond recommended Séance Tea Party as part of the 12 Friends 12 Books I was over the moon. Keep reading this book review for my full thoughts.
Lora doesn’t want to grow up! Afraid that she is the magic of her childhood, Lora will do anything to stop it . . . including befriending Alexa, the ghost who haunts her house. A middle-grade graphic novel that focuses growing up and what that means for you and all the relationships you have in your life. This book is perfect for fans of Ghosts and Making Friends.
Growing up sounds terrible.
No one has time to do anything fun, or play outside, or use their imagination. Everything is suddenly so serious. People are more interested in their looks and what others think about them than having fun adventures. Who wants that?
Not Lora.
After watching her circle of friends seemingly fade away, Lora is determined to still have fun on her own. A tea party with a twist lease Lora to discovering Alex, the ghost that haunts her house — and Lora’s old imaginary friend! Lora and Alexa are thrilled to meet kindred spirits and they become best friends . . . but unfortunately, not everything can last forever.

I loved the graphic style and color scheme so much in Séance Tea Party. It had this fabulous cartoon style which made me so nostalgic. But what really got me in Séance Tea Party was how emotional and relatable it was. Lora is scared to grow up. She feels both like all her friends have moved on without her and being scared to cross that line. How relatable is that it? Wanting to rush towards a sense of ‘grown up-ness’ and to stop being a kid, while not also realizing the things we sometimes leave behind. But for Lora, she’s scared of what she will lose.
Throughout Séance Tea Party we not only witness Lora’s story – how she has to come to terms with these fears – but also the story of Alex, the ghost who haunts her house. Yee is able to draw parallels between both of their stories and their fears about moving on. What it means to watch the ones we love move on without us. But also the importance of not losing our childlike spirit, our imagination, while also cherishing our time and growing older. Sometimes the new that lies in front of us isn’t all bad. It’s not all or none, we can create a future where we move forwards while celebrating our past.
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Find Séance Tea Party on Goodreads, Amazon, Indiebound, & The Book Depository.