Book Reviews

Review: Nectar of the Wicked by Ella Fields

I’m not sure what I was expecting from Nectar of the Wicked. I heard it was a dark fantasy romance with tons of betrayal. And I think it delivers. This is perfect for the fans of the true “I don’t know if I hate you” feels. Keep reading this book review of Nectar of the Wicked for my full thoughts.


To find those who discarded me at birth, I must sneak into Faerie.

But my deceased guardian left more than scars upon my heart. Debts are owed to the madam at the Lair of Lust, and I’m forced to repay them.

My first client is a faerie king who offers to give me everything I’ve always wanted. The king will take me to Faerie if I make a blood vow to marry him. A collection of sweltering meetings fool me into believing his reasons for choosing me to be his queen—a changeling without so much as a name.

For upon my arrival in his kingdom, I receive the answers I’ve craved and the truth behind his motives.

My wonder and infatuation for the king and his wintry realm are snuffed by hatred and fear. Though loathing him is futile when venomous words and spiteful games only prove to excite him. Once again, I’m trapped. This time, with an enemy I cannot hide from. One with enough heat in his eyes to melt my resolve, and enough power at his frosted fingertips to accomplish his sinister goals.

To survive all I’ve discovered, not only will I need to unearth King Florian’s dead heart—I will need to guard my own before he tricks it, too.


Let’s just begin by saying we will always love a book worm and a baby wolf. From the beginning, Nectar of the Wicked is simmering with chemistry. But a certain brand of chemistry. Nectar of the Wicked is emblematic of sizzling glances with legit flames. Or that scene you see on the screen where they’re holding blades to each other’s throats and then start kissing. That’s Nectar of the Wicked. It’s a dark fantasy romance with blackmail, a healthy dose of hate, and a side dish of self-loathing.

It’s also perfect of the fans of the experienced tutor and the younger un-experienced lover. Nectar of the Wicked is full of tropes, but I think is perfect for those who are wanting that. Those who want characters who have nothing and are desperate for something. For wars of retribution and never, absolutely never, knowing if we should trust anyone. It’s hot and cold. It’s cruelty in glances and words with barbs.

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There were a few character choices I couldn’t get behind? I don’t want to spoiler, but as someone who has so many questions about my past, I’m not sure I’d be so quick to throw my loyalty anywhere. It feels a bit like hating someone you are having feelings for while you’re also trapped and wrapped in a web of lies and deceit. But then again, the twists at the end had me needing to find out what happens next. Find Nectar of the Wicked on Goodreads, Storygraph, Amazon, & Blackwells.


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