Book Reviews

Review: Are You Nobody Too? by Tina Cane

As a transracial adoptee, I’ve been excited for Are You Nobody Too? ever since I heard about it. I always love reading more adoptee stories and this one was an emotional gut punch. Written in verse, Emily’s story is one of making new friends, finding poetry, and discovering her identity. Keep reading this book review of Are You Nobody Too? for my full thoughts.


After a year of distance-learning, Emily Sofer finds her world turned upside she has to leave the only school she’s ever known to attend a public school in Chinatown. For the first time, Emily isn’t the only Chinese student around…but looking like everyone else doesn’t mean that understanding them will be easy–especially with an intimidating group of cool girls Emily calls The Five.

When Emily discovers that her adoptive parents have been keeping a secret, she feels even more uncertain about who she is. A chance discovery of Emily Dickinson’s poetry helps her finally feel seen. . . but can the words of a writer from 200 years ago help her open up again, and find common ground with the Five?


(Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher. This has not impacted my review which is unbiased and honest.)

Are You Nobody Too? is a pure delight to read. Emily’s story is about friendships and growing older, about getting to know ourselves. Set directly after the onset of the pandemic, it’s a story about change and uncertainty. About not knowing how the world works. She’s transferring to a new school while her family is still reeling from the effects of the pandemic on their lives and their family. What I loved the most, was reading a story about a girl re-orienting how she sees herself. How she sees her identity as a Chinese American, as a transracial adoptee, and as someone growing older.

We are able to witness the ways she goes from practically the only Chinese kid, to being immersed in this new landscape of cultures, traditions, and parenting. Some things, which I honestly hadn’t even thought of until Are You Nobody Too? was the ways orphans are portrayed and how different Emily and my story is. It’s just a sign of the things we still get to know and think about even when we’re ‘older’. And don’t even get me started on how much I loved when Emily discovers good and bad Chinese food and the different standards! That was super relatable to me.

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All in all, Are You Nobody Too? is a tender story that I really enjoyed. It’s a story I thought I would enjoy, but I didn’t realize how much. Find Are You Nobody Too? on Goodreads, Storygraph, Amazon,, Blackwells, & Libro. fm.


What is a story where you’ve felt seen?

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