Being obsessed with Anastasia retellings, you know I had to check out Last of Her Name! So without further ado I’ll just let you get to the interview so you can be as hyped up as I am!
Sixteen years ago, rebellion swept the galaxy known as the Belt of Jewels. Every member of the royal family was murdered–down to their youngest child, Princess Anya–and the Union government rose in its place. But Stacia doesn’t think much about politics. She spends her days half-wild, rambling her father’s vineyard with her closest friends, Clio and Pol.
That all changes the day a Union ship appears in town, carrying the leader of the Belt himself, the Direktor Eminent. The Direktor claims that Princess Anya is alive, and that Stacia’s sleepy village is a den of empire loyalists, intent on hiding her. When Stacia is identified as the lost princess, her provincial home explodes into a nightmare.
Pol smuggles her away to a hidden escape ship in the chaos, leaving Clio in the hands of the Union. With everything she knows threading away into stars, Stacia sets her heart on a single mission. She will find and rescue Clio, even with the whole galaxy on her trail.
Find Last of Her Name on Goodreads, Amazon, Indiebound & The Book Depository.
Where did the inspiration for Anastasia come from? And in which ways have you tried to stay true to the story and to depart from the story?
Lili here, My tiny heart cannot handle the fact that it was confirmed, I know it’s the truth, but my heart can dream! I love that this was the question that started it all!
The cost of rebellion is something that is discussed within your book, can you think of any pop culture references (or similar situations) that inspired the conflicts and ethical dilemmas your characters face?

Lili here, Doctor Who represent! So glad this also came to your mind!
How was writing in space different than your previous works? Any fun research you had to do that didn’t end up in the book?
Lili here, that sounds a lot like what they were trying to say in The Martian right?
Would you like to talk about any of your upcoming projects or current WIP? Projects you’d love to write someday?
Right now I’m working on a pretty unusual project–my first middle grade book (The Mystwick School of Musicraft, coming out this fall). It’s unusual because in addition to being printed as a regular book, Audible is adapting it as a musically-enhanced audiobook that will include some familiar pieces as well as some great original compositions. So currently I am compiling lots of music which will be added to the story. It’s very different from my usual work so I’m enjoying it a lot!
Lili, the audiobook sounds amazing! I can’t wait to read it!
If you could re-write another story, which would it be and why?
Lili here, so here for this!!!
What are you currently obsessed with? Tv shows, movies, music, books, etc.
With many books under your belt, how has your writing style or process changed from your first book to now? What lessons have you learned about yourself and your creative process?
About the Author
Jessica Khoury wrote her first book at age 4, a fan fic sequel to Syd Hoff’s Danny and the Dinosaur, which she scribbled on notebook paper, stapled together, and placed on the bookshelf of her preschool classroom. Since that day, she’s dreamed of being an author.
In addition to writing, Jess is also a fantasy cartographer, and spends far too much time scribbling tiny trees and mountains in fictional worlds. She is very passionate about orcas, Spanish soccer, and choosing the perfect font.
Jess currently lives in Greenville, South Carolina. She is the author of Origin, Vitro, Kalahari, and The Forbidden Wish.
Find Jess on Twitter
I met her in reality!!
OH WOW! That’s so awesome! How was it?